broken glass.

You replaced me. Just like that. I didn't need to be your world, I didn't even need to be your love, I could have gotten over that. But I don't want to be replaceable. Not now, not ever. And still, you replaced me like one would do with a glass that broke, you just took a new glass, a new person. So much for being friends. So much for ever caring. So much bullshit. But so much feelings.

How could you want to hurt me like this?

The holiday.

You broke my heart.
And you acted like somehow
it was my fault,
my misunderstanding,
and I was too in love
with you to ever be mad at


Tänk att det finns människor som just nu kämpar mot döden.

Och här kämpar jag med livet. Det är orättvist.

. . .

Dear You,
I hate you for dying.

Forever is composed of nows.

I didn’t want to kiss you goodbye — that was the trouble I wanted to kiss you goodnight. And there’s a lot of difference

Love lovely.

I think i'm about to fall out of love with you. And in love with him. I'm ready to feel good, to be happy. Every minute awake. It's strange how I haven't felt the slightest anxious or down since I met him. And I know that I've known him for a while now, but it feels like I met him only two weeks ago. People change, along with their feelings. And it's nice. It is nice to finally wake up to someone who smiles every time he see's you. Who ask how your day where, or simply how you are feeling in that moment. Maybe I need love to feel happy.

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